“An Angel With No Halo” είναι το νέο single των Nostalgia 77. Το καινούργιο τους album, “A Journey Too Far”, θα κυκλοφορήσει τον Φλεβάρη από την Tru Thoughts records.
This Blog
This Blog have been born because I love good music.
I don’t like the music industry recommendations, only good music recommendations.I like music and I believe that the music is one ,you can call it indie rock,pop,funky,soul, hiphop,R&b we just call it good music.
Enjoy my selections .
I don’t like the music industry recommendations, only good music recommendations.I like music and I believe that the music is one ,you can call it indie rock,pop,funky,soul, hiphop,R&b we just call it good music.
Enjoy my selections .
Τρίτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
To the End
Και καθώς πάμε στο τέλος άλλης μιας χρονιάς....
ο στίχος που γυρνάει στο μυαλό μου με το τέλος αυτής της χρονιάς είναι από από το τραγούδι των Blur ...
Το τραγούδι αυτό μου αφήνει την αισιοδοξία του εφόσον υπάρχουν δίπλα μας οι άνθρωποι που αγαπάμε τα πάντα είναι δυνατά ακόμα και να τα καταφέρουμε.
αγαπημένο κομμάτι για το τέλος αλλά και την αρχή
To The End (blur cover) by Rabbit Gold
ο στίχος που γυρνάει στο μυαλό μου με το τέλος αυτής της χρονιάς είναι από από το τραγούδι των Blur ...
Το τραγούδι αυτό μου αφήνει την αισιοδοξία του εφόσον υπάρχουν δίπλα μας οι άνθρωποι που αγαπάμε τα πάντα είναι δυνατά ακόμα και να τα καταφέρουμε.
αγαπημένο κομμάτι για το τέλος αλλά και την αρχή
To The End (blur cover) by Rabbit Gold
σας εύχομαι καλή χρονιά και ότι και αν είστε όπου και αν είστε να αγαπάτε αυτούς που έχετε δίπλα σας.
Δευτέρα 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Τρίτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Καλά Χριστούγεννα
Μερικά Χριστουγεννιάτικα τραγούδια,όχι τόσο συνηθισμένα ;-)
Poly Styrene "Black Christmas"
Holy Shit, It's Christmas! - Red Peters
Joey Ramone - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
The Russian Futurists - 100 Shopping Days 'Til Christmas
Δευτέρα 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Lovett -All the time
To All the time είναι ένα μέρος ενός καινούργιου project από τους lovett.
ένα video που πάνω σε ένα τραγούδι τους έχουν κάνει edit 35 διαφορετικοί σκηνοθέτες.
Το All the time είναι το έκτο video από την συνεργασία των Lovett με διάφορους σκηνοθέτες και παλιότερες δουλειές τους μπορείτε να τις δείτε εδώ
ένα video που πάνω σε ένα τραγούδι τους έχουν κάνει edit 35 διαφορετικοί σκηνοθέτες.
Το All the time είναι το έκτο video από την συνεργασία των Lovett με διάφορους σκηνοθέτες και παλιότερες δουλειές τους μπορείτε να τις δείτε εδώ
ALL THE TIME from Lovett on Vimeo.
RJD2 - Here's What's Left
Το κομμάτι υπήρχε σαν hidden track στο album του 2002 Deadringer.
Περιέχει Samples από "The Black Frost" by Grover Washington Jr","Silent Running" by David Matthews,"Wish I Could Talk to You" by The Sylvers,"Memories Are Here to Stay" by The Intruders.
Είναι ένα μικρό διαμάντι που αργότερα στις συλλογές Late Night Tales το συμπεριέλαβαν στο release για τους Belle & Sebastian και στο Decade Box που είχε τα καλύτερα από μέσα από τα 27 album της συλλογής.
Περιέχει Samples από "The Black Frost" by Grover Washington Jr","Silent Running" by David Matthews,"Wish I Could Talk to You" by The Sylvers,"Memories Are Here to Stay" by The Intruders.
Είναι ένα μικρό διαμάντι που αργότερα στις συλλογές Late Night Tales το συμπεριέλαβαν στο release για τους Belle & Sebastian και στο Decade Box που είχε τα καλύτερα από μέσα από τα 27 album της συλλογής.
Fitz & The Tantrums - Santa Stole My Lady
Για να μπαίνουμε στο Χριστουγεννιάτικο κλίμα σιγά σιγά
ένα αστείο τραγούδι για τα Χριστούγεννα
ένα αστείο τραγούδι για τα Χριστούγεννα
Κυριακή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
The National "This Is The Last Time"
ζωντανά unplugged στον ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό 88.1 KDHX στο Saint Louis στις 7/9/2013
Αλήθεια This Is The Last Time πόσες φορές το έχεις πει....
Αλήθεια This Is The Last Time πόσες φορές το έχεις πει....
Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Daft Punk - Instant Crush feat Julian Casablancas
Σήμερα το πρωί είχα ένα chat για το αν είναι καλό το τελευταίο album και ποιο είναι το καλύτερο κομμάτι από τον τελευταίο δίσκο των Daft Punk.
Το album το θεωρό πολύ μέτριο για Daft Punk (πέστε να με φάτε) και από τους συγκικριμένους θα περίμενα κάτι περισσότερο από απλή αναπαραγωγή των disco funk ρυθμών από τις αρχές των 80s.
Και όσον αφορά το καλύτερο κομμάτι το πρώτο που μου ήρθε στο μυαλό είναι αυτό....
οπότε απολαύστε το
Το album το θεωρό πολύ μέτριο για Daft Punk (πέστε να με φάτε) και από τους συγκικριμένους θα περίμενα κάτι περισσότερο από απλή αναπαραγωγή των disco funk ρυθμών από τις αρχές των 80s.
Και όσον αφορά το καλύτερο κομμάτι το πρώτο που μου ήρθε στο μυαλό είναι αυτό....
οπότε απολαύστε το
Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Big Deal - Baby's Wearing Blue Jeans (Mac DeMarco cover)
Η αρχική εκτέλεση ήταν από τον Mac Demarco, 'Baby's Wearing Blue Jeans' είναι το B-side του single 'Swapping Spit'. Οι Big Deal έχουν έδω και ένα μήνα κυκλοφορήση το album June Gloom στην on Mute!
Τετάρτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Secret Colours-It Can't Be Simple
Οι secret colours κατοικούν στο Σικάγο παρόλα αυτά εμένα ο ήχος τους μου κάνει πιο πολύ για Brit pop θυμίζοντας Inspiral Carpets & primal scream.
Το συγκρότημα έχει συνεργαστεί στην παραγωγή με τον Brian Deck (Modest Mouse, Gomez, Sage Francis, Iron & Wine) και μετά την ανασύνταξη του συγκροτήματος,αποχώρησαν 2 μέλη θα κυκλοφορήσουν 2 EP albums.
Τον Φεβρουάριο το Positive Distraction Part I και την άνοιξη το Positive Distraction Part IΙ.
Το It Can't Be Simple είναι από το πρώτο.
Το συγκρότημα έχει συνεργαστεί στην παραγωγή με τον Brian Deck (Modest Mouse, Gomez, Sage Francis, Iron & Wine) και μετά την ανασύνταξη του συγκροτήματος,αποχώρησαν 2 μέλη θα κυκλοφορήσουν 2 EP albums.
Τον Φεβρουάριο το Positive Distraction Part I και την άνοιξη το Positive Distraction Part IΙ.
Το It Can't Be Simple είναι από το πρώτο.
Jumbling Towers-I Don't Feel The Same
Οι Αμερικάνοι Jumbling Towers από το τελευταίο τους EP.Το group υπάρχει δισκογραφικά από το 2007 με δικέ τους παραγωγές.
Ο ήχος τους indie rock και σε αυτό το τραγούδι σου αφήνουν μια αίσθηση από Walkabouts και του γλυκού τους ήχου.
ένα πάρα πολύ ωραίο κομμάτι απολαύστε το
Ο ήχος τους indie rock και σε αυτό το τραγούδι σου αφήνουν μια αίσθηση από Walkabouts και του γλυκού τους ήχου.
ένα πάρα πολύ ωραίο κομμάτι απολαύστε το
Gem Club -Hypericum
Από το νέο album των Gem Club "In Roses" που θα κυκλοφορήσει στις 28 Ιανουαρίου από την Hardly Art Records.
Τρίτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
egg hell-Ginger Head
το προσωπικό project του Jef Maarawi “egg hell”που έχει πλέον
μετατραπεί σε πενταμελή μπάντα και το ντεμπούτο τους «Once Part Of A Whole Ship».
Stoney-Cock of the walk
Από το νέο album του Mark Stoney "more than animals" που θα κυκλοφορήσει στις αρχές του 14.
Σάββατο 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Rogues on the Sea -World On Parade
Ένα ερωτικό τραγούδι που στραβώνει? λίγο προς το τέλος.
Ώραίος indie rock ρυθμός από τους Αυστραλούς Rogues on the Sea .
Ώραίος indie rock ρυθμός από τους Αυστραλούς Rogues on the Sea .
Παρασκευή 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Beastie Boys - Gratitude
Υπάρχουν κάποιες μπάντες που θεωρείς των εαυτό σου τρομερά τυχερό όταν την έχεις δει live.
Πάντα παρακαλάς να μην συμβεί κάτι,μην διαλυθούν και να βρεθείς την σωστή στιγμή στο σωστό μέρος ώστε να τις δεις.
Μια από αυτές για μένα είναι οι beastie boys.
Ευτυχώς πρόλαβα να τους δω το απίστευτα δυνατό live τους που τρια τρομερά ταλαντούχα άτομα κατάφερναν να απογειώνουν το κάθε κοινό.
Το Gratitude είναι από το album Check Your Head toy 1992 και το βίντεο είναι εμπνευσμένο από το Live at Pompeii των Pink Floyd.
Πάντα παρακαλάς να μην συμβεί κάτι,μην διαλυθούν και να βρεθείς την σωστή στιγμή στο σωστό μέρος ώστε να τις δεις.
Μια από αυτές για μένα είναι οι beastie boys.
Ευτυχώς πρόλαβα να τους δω το απίστευτα δυνατό live τους που τρια τρομερά ταλαντούχα άτομα κατάφερναν να απογειώνουν το κάθε κοινό.
Το Gratitude είναι από το album Check Your Head toy 1992 και το βίντεο είναι εμπνευσμένο από το Live at Pompeii των Pink Floyd.
Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
Ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα κομμάτια των Black Sabbath είναι το Planet Caravan.
Το τραγούδι που περιγράφει την πτήση ενώς ζεγαριού στο διάστημα.
Ψυχεδελικό όσο δεν πάει ένα κομμάτι που περιγράφει όσο καλύτερα γίνεται το mood των αρχών της δεκαετίας του εβδομήντα.
Το κομμάτι περιλαμβανόταν στο 2ο album των Black Sabbath .Η αρχική ονομασία του δίσκου ήταν "War Pigs" αλλά η "Vertigo" επέμεινε να αλλάξει σε "Paranoid" για να μη δημιουργηθούν προβλήματα λόγω του πολέμου του Βιετνάμ.
Το κομμάτι έχει τύχει πλήθος remix και διασκεύων.
Το τραγούδι που περιγράφει την πτήση ενώς ζεγαριού στο διάστημα.
Ψυχεδελικό όσο δεν πάει ένα κομμάτι που περιγράφει όσο καλύτερα γίνεται το mood των αρχών της δεκαετίας του εβδομήντα.
Το κομμάτι περιλαμβανόταν στο 2ο album των Black Sabbath .Η αρχική ονομασία του δίσκου ήταν "War Pigs" αλλά η "Vertigo" επέμεινε να αλλάξει σε "Paranoid" για να μη δημιουργηθούν προβλήματα λόγω του πολέμου του Βιετνάμ.
Το κομμάτι έχει τύχει πλήθος remix και διασκεύων.
East India Youth - Looking For Someone
Στις 13 Ιανουαρίου θα κυκλοφορήση το πρώτο album του East India Youth aka William Doyle 'Total Strife Forever' .
Electro ,Dream pop ,με ταξιδιάρικα British pop φωνητικά.
Από το πρώτο του EP The Hostel που κυκλοφόρησε στις αρχές του 2013 ένα τραγούδι που θα υπάρχει και στο επερχόμενο album
Electro ,Dream pop ,με ταξιδιάρικα British pop φωνητικά.
Από το πρώτο του EP The Hostel που κυκλοφόρησε στις αρχές του 2013 ένα τραγούδι που θα υπάρχει και στο επερχόμενο album
Baby Guru-Nagoi
Μία καινούργια δουλειά που περιμένω μέσα στο 2014 είναι και η νέα δουλειά των Baby Guru “Marginalia” .
Το συγκρότημα θέλοντας να δώσει μια πρόγευση από την επερχόμενη δουλειά του δημοσιοποιήσε το “Nagoi” ένα τραγούδι που πολύ συχνά συμπεριλαμβάνουν στα σετ των ζωντανών τους εμφανίσεων αλλά δεν είχε κυκλοφορήσει επίσημα.
Το “Nagoi μπορείτε να το ακούσετε παρακάτω αλλά και να το κατεβάσετε δωρεάν.
Το συγκρότημα θέλοντας να δώσει μια πρόγευση από την επερχόμενη δουλειά του δημοσιοποιήσε το “Nagoi” ένα τραγούδι που πολύ συχνά συμπεριλαμβάνουν στα σετ των ζωντανών τους εμφανίσεων αλλά δεν είχε κυκλοφορήσει επίσημα.
Το “Nagoi μπορείτε να το ακούσετε παρακάτω αλλά και να το κατεβάσετε δωρεάν.
Youth Lagoon - "Attic Doctor"
Λίγο πριν το καλοκαίρι κυκλοφόρησε ο 2ος δίσκος Wondrous Bughouse του Youth Lagoon προσωπικό project του Trevor Powers.
Νεο ψυχεδέλεια σε ένα lo-fi ατμοσφαιρικό κλίμα.
Head on
ένας τίτλος τραγουδιού που με κυνηγάει είναι το "Head on" που έχει ακουστεί από 2 αγαπημένες μου μπάντες.
Ξεκινάω από το ποιο αγαπημένο μου πίσω στο 1989 οι Jesus and Mary Chain κυκλοφορούν το φοβερό Aytomatic που έχει μέσα ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου κομμάτια όλων των εποχών.
Ξεκινάω από το ποιο αγαπημένο μου πίσω στο 1989 οι Jesus and Mary Chain κυκλοφορούν το φοβερό Aytomatic που έχει μέσα ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου κομμάτια όλων των εποχών.
Επόμενο Head on από τους Pixies που έχουν κάνει μια τρομερή διασκευή το 1991 στο Trompe le Monde.
Δευτέρα 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
The Underground Youth - Masquerade
Οι The Underground Youth είναι από το Manchester και δημιουργήθηκαν το 2009
Ο ήχος τους είναι σκοτεινός και ψυχεδελικός με σαφείς επιρροές από Velvet Underground και Jesus and Mary chain.
Είναι ο ήχος που θες για μοναχικά χειμωνιάτικα βράδια με πολύ αλκοόλ.
Το κομμάτι Masquerade είναι από την τελευταία τους δουλειά "The prefect enemy for god" που κυκλοφόρησε τον Αύγουστο από την Fuzz Club Records.
Ο ήχος τους είναι σκοτεινός και ψυχεδελικός με σαφείς επιρροές από Velvet Underground και Jesus and Mary chain.
Είναι ο ήχος που θες για μοναχικά χειμωνιάτικα βράδια με πολύ αλκοόλ.
Το κομμάτι Masquerade είναι από την τελευταία τους δουλειά "The prefect enemy for god" που κυκλοφόρησε τον Αύγουστο από την Fuzz Club Records.
Theodore - The Dog Barks (live at The Church Studios UK)
Ο Theodore έκανε το ντεμπούτο του στην δισκογραφία το 2012 με το album του ‘7’.
Την παραγωγή υπογράφουν ο Clive Martin μαζί με τον δικό μας Vassilikos.
O δίσκος έχει εμφανείς επιρροές από Muse και Radiohead, θυμίζοντας ανά στιγμές την μελωδικότητα και την μελαγχολία καλλιτεχνών όπως ο Jeff Buckley και ο Nick Cave και με μια κινηματογραφική ποιότητα που φέρνει στο μυαλό soundtracks από ταινίες του Tim Burton αλλά και cinematic orchestra.
Το αγαπημένο μου από αυτό το δίσκο είναι το dog barks που μπορείτε να απολαύσετε εδώ.
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. - War Zone
Οι Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. είναι ένα μουσικό project από το Detroit και όχι μια κλασική μπάντα.
Από το 2009 πειραματίζονται με την μουσική πάνω σε indie pop ήχους.
Όπως εξηγούν οι ίδιοι για το project τους αλλά και το όνομά τους:
"The name for us was just a way to identify our crazy new project that had no limitations. People have no idea how we are going to sound, and so it gives them a reason to actually take some time to listen to the music."
έδω το War Zone
Από το 2009 πειραματίζονται με την μουσική πάνω σε indie pop ήχους.
Όπως εξηγούν οι ίδιοι για το project τους αλλά και το όνομά τους:
"The name for us was just a way to identify our crazy new project that had no limitations. People have no idea how we are going to sound, and so it gives them a reason to actually take some time to listen to the music."
έδω το War Zone
Lia Ices - Grown Unknown
H Lia Ices είναι από την Νέα Υόρκη και μας έχει δώσει έναν πάρα πολύ καλό indie pop/Dream pop 2ο δίσκο το 2012.
Από αυτό έδώ το ομώνυμο κομμάτι Grown Unknown.
Από αυτό έδώ το ομώνυμο κομμάτι Grown Unknown.
A. B. Rinehart-Take Out
Οι A. B. Rinehart είναι η Andrea Blunt και η Cian Riordan.
ένα υπέροχο dream pop κομμάτι που κυκλοφόρησε το Σεπτέμβρη.
ένα υπέροχο dream pop κομμάτι που κυκλοφόρησε το Σεπτέμβρη.
Κυριακή 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Expressure - In The Way
Οι Expressure ένα ντουέτο από το Dallas, με φρέσκο δυνατό ήχο από το πρώτο τους EP το 2011.
Rainbirds-Sea Of Time
Αυτό το κομμάτι έρχετε από τα μέσα των 80s .
Σαν πιτσιρικάς το είχα ξεσκίσει στα mixtapes τότε σε TDK 60 και 90 λεπτών που χάριζα δεξιά και αριστερά.
Είναι πραγματικά ένα καταπληκτικό κομμάτι που ακόμα και σήμερα ακούγεται και γράφετε στα mixtapes.
Σαν πιτσιρικάς το είχα ξεσκίσει στα mixtapes τότε σε TDK 60 και 90 λεπτών που χάριζα δεξιά και αριστερά.
Είναι πραγματικά ένα καταπληκτικό κομμάτι που ακόμα και σήμερα ακούγεται και γράφετε στα mixtapes.
Kim Deal - Walking With A Killer
H Kim Deal μέλος των Pixies μέχρι πρόσφατα σε μια προσωπική της δουλειά που κυκλοφόρησε το 2012 ως single σε δική της παραγωγή.
Πέμπτη 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Speedy Ortiz -No Below
Speedy Ortiz είναι ένα αμερικάνικο indie rock συγκρότημα.
Το όνομα τους είναι δανεισμένο από το 80s comic Love and rockets το οποίο θεωρήται από τα πρώτα alternative comics.
Από το τελευταίο τους album Major Arcana το No Below
Το όνομα τους είναι δανεισμένο από το 80s comic Love and rockets το οποίο θεωρήται από τα πρώτα alternative comics.
Από το τελευταίο τους album Major Arcana το No Below
Marika Hackman - Bath Is Black
H Marika Hackman αίναι μια νεαρή 20χρονη τραγουδίστρια-τραγουδοποιός ,από το Μπράιτον. Τον Φεβρουάριο, κυκλοφόρησε το πρώτο της EP That Iron Taste .
Όμορφες Alt folk -indie pop μελωδίες από μια όμορφη φωνή σε ένα όμορφο πακέτο.
Το bath is black είναι ένα τραγούσι που νομίζω θα ζεστάνει τον φετινό μας χειμώνα .
Όμορφες Alt folk -indie pop μελωδίες από μια όμορφη φωνή σε ένα όμορφο πακέτο.
Το bath is black είναι ένα τραγούσι που νομίζω θα ζεστάνει τον φετινό μας χειμώνα .
Τετάρτη 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
The Black Keys - Tighten Up
Το θεωρούσα από τα μεγαλύτερα κομμάτια των Black Keys,
δεν είχε τύχη να δω το βίντεο είναι απίστευτο!!!!
δεν είχε τύχη να δω το βίντεο είναι απίστευτο!!!!
Τρίτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Cloud Control-The Smoke, The Feeling
Οι Cloud Control είναι Αυστραλοί από το Blue Mountain,έχουν παίξει ως support σε Arcade Fire, Vampire Weekend, Supergrass, The Magic Numbers, Yves Klein Blue, The Temper Trap, Last Dinosaurs, Local Natives Weezer κατά την εμφάνηση τους στην Αυστραλία.
Μετά τη νίκη τους στα βραβεία Independent Music Αυστραλίας μετακόμισαν στο Λονδίνο, εκεί τους πήρε δύο ολόκληρα χρόνια στο στούντιο πριν βγάλουν το νέο τους album Dream Cave.
Ο ήχος σαφός ποιο εξελιγμένος από το πρώτο album Bliss Release .Σε πολλά σημεία ψυχεδελικός με τις Fleetwood Mac επιρροές,σε άλλα σημεία ποιο pop να θυμίζει Alt-J .
Στις καλύτερς στιγμές του δίσκου ξεχωρίζω το The Smoke, The Feeling που μπορείτε να ακούσετε εδώ...
Μετά τη νίκη τους στα βραβεία Independent Music Αυστραλίας μετακόμισαν στο Λονδίνο, εκεί τους πήρε δύο ολόκληρα χρόνια στο στούντιο πριν βγάλουν το νέο τους album Dream Cave.
Ο ήχος σαφός ποιο εξελιγμένος από το πρώτο album Bliss Release .Σε πολλά σημεία ψυχεδελικός με τις Fleetwood Mac επιρροές,σε άλλα σημεία ποιο pop να θυμίζει Alt-J .
Στις καλύτερς στιγμές του δίσκου ξεχωρίζω το The Smoke, The Feeling που μπορείτε να ακούσετε εδώ...
Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks (Bombay Bicycle Club Remix)
"Little Talks" είναι το πρώτο single της indie folk/indie pop μπάντας Of Monsters and Men. Το τραγούδι υπήρχε στο πρώτο studio album , My Head Is an Animal (2012) αλλά και στο πρώτο τους EP Into the Woods.
Εδώ σε ένα remix από τους Bombay Bicycle Club πραγματικά θαυμάσιο....
Εδώ σε ένα remix από τους Bombay Bicycle Club πραγματικά θαυμάσιο....
Ball Park Music - "It's Nice To Be Alive"
Τι θα κάνατε αν ήταν η τελευταία σας μέρα στην γη;
Μην το σκέφτεστε κάντε το κάθε μέρα...
It's Nice To Be Alive
Μην το σκέφτεστε κάντε το κάθε μέρα...
It's Nice To Be Alive
Kye Kye- Dreams (2am)
Σε ένα φανταστικό κόσμο θα μπορούσαμε από το γραφείο να έχουμε θέα κύμματα.
Εδώ το preview.
"Dreams (2am)" είναι το δεύτερο single των Kye Kye's από το LP "Fantasize"
Εδώ το preview.
"Dreams (2am)" είναι το δεύτερο single των Kye Kye's από το LP "Fantasize"
Δευτέρα 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Effi - Muzik
Effi is a music project from Graz German, which is characterized by different styles of music such as electro-acoustics and influences of jazz (as well as of the swing, the reggae and drum and bass) distinguished. Thomas Petrich is the musician who stands behind Effi. The name is taken from the novel "Effi Briest" by Theodor Fontane.
Effi album Album "Closer", its one of my favorites for 2013
You can download the single muzic from here www.effimusic.com
Effi album Album "Closer", its one of my favorites for 2013
You can download the single muzic from here www.effimusic.com
Sarah Rabdau & Self-Employed Assassins- Summer of Love
Summer of Love from Free As Thieves by Sarah Rabdau & Self-Employed Assassins .
Κυριακή 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
You're On Fire - They Might Be Giants
Starring Lauren Lapkus from Orange Is The New Black. Directed by Hoku
Uchiyama and Adam Bolt. From They Might Be Giants' new album Nanobots.
Brilliant video I love it
Brilliant video I love it
SAINT MOTEL - "Ace In The Hole"
Saint Motel is an American four piece band from Los Angeles, whose music has been described as everything from "dream pop" to "indie prog".
Saint Motel consists of A/J Jackson (lead vocals/guitar), Aaron Sharp aka "a sharp" (lead guitar), Chondrak "Dak" Lerdamornpong (bass), and Greg Erwin (drums),who met in film school in Southern California. The band emphasizes visuals in addition to its music
In2012 I have love "Benny Goodman" from their debut album "Voyeur".
here a new song "Ace In The Hole".
Παρασκευή 29 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Majical Cloudz - Savage
Majical Cloudz are a Canadian indie pop duo based in Montreal consisting of singer-songwriter Devon Welsh and producer and live collaborator Matthew Otto.
"Savage" is a song they have been playing live for most of 2013.
As they explain about the song
"Savage" is about a friendship, it's mysteries and it's moments of excitement, and the way drugs played into all of it. It's about letting go of a relationship as it changes and the emotions that go along with that.
The song was originally a lot more minimal, just piano loops and bass. As we played it live it evolved a little bit, Matt started incorporating reverb swells and exploring the ways those could be used (along with a number of other additions) to create dynamics in the song.
"Savage" is a song they have been playing live for most of 2013.
As they explain about the song
"Savage" is about a friendship, it's mysteries and it's moments of excitement, and the way drugs played into all of it. It's about letting go of a relationship as it changes and the emotions that go along with that.
The song was originally a lot more minimal, just piano loops and bass. As we played it live it evolved a little bit, Matt started incorporating reverb swells and exploring the ways those could be used (along with a number of other additions) to create dynamics in the song.
Nouvelle Vague VS Modern English
Nouvelle Vague replay the classic Modern English - I Melt With You
I give both versions and let you decide which one is better....
I give both versions and let you decide which one is better....
Πέμπτη 28 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Galt MacDermot - Coffe Cold
A beautifull audio and video mix
Audio:Galt MacDermot - Coffe Cold
Video: The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
Audio:Galt MacDermot - Coffe Cold
Video: The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
Mélanie Pain - If You Knew
Mélanie Pain is a French indie pop singer from Caen. She used to perform with the band Nouvelle Vague.
In April 2009, Pain released her first solo album entitled My Name
here the song If You Knew Enjoy...
In April 2009, Pain released her first solo album entitled My Name
here the song If You Knew Enjoy...
Travis- Blue Flashing Light
An original music video to the hidden track 'Blue Flashing Light' from Travis' album, The Man Who.
Produced at Brooksby Melton College as part of BTEC Media Production, 2004.
Produced at Brooksby Melton College as part of BTEC Media Production, 2004.
Manic Street Preachers- Williams Last Words

The top four UK supermarkets stocked the CD in a plain slipcase, as the cover was deemed "inappropriate". Bradfield regards the decision as "utterly bizarre", and has commented: "You can have lovely shiny buttocks and guns everywhere in the supermarket on covers of magazines and CDs, but you show a piece of art and people just freak out ".
"William's Last Words"is the final track and has been compared to a suicide note, and although Nicky Wire rejects this suggestion, Bradfield observes, "you can draw some pretty obvious conclusions from the lyrics"
Τετάρτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Danny Brown - Grown Up
Sure, being a young punk is fun, but what happens when the training wheels come off?
Detroit hip-hop spitfire Danny Brown reveals the truth about what happened to his teeth in this childhood-revisited music video, "Grown Up".
Detroit hip-hop spitfire Danny Brown reveals the truth about what happened to his teeth in this childhood-revisited music video, "Grown Up".
Parks, Squares and Alleys- Forest
A Band from Russian with indie pop and LoFi sound which try to be new romantic. Fragile songs in English, wonderful original sound from "Parks, Squares and Alleys."
Jarvis Cocker - Cunts Are Still Running The World
Pulp vocalist Jarvis Cocker hid the track 'Cunts Are Still Running The World' on his debut solo album 'Jarvis'. You can hear it thirty minutes after the end of 'Quantum Theory'.
Here Live Rock en Seine 2007
Here Live Rock en Seine 2007
Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground - White Jeans Clean
White Jeans Clean by Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground
From the album III - Single
From the album III - Single
The Libertines - What Became Of The Likely Lads
The self-named album was their second, released in 2004 and included a hidden track after the last song 'What Became Of The Likely Lads'.
Ramones - Spider-Man
The Ramones' take on the Spiderman theme tune 'Spiderman' featured on their final album 'Adios Amigos'.
GO GO Spidy
GO GO Spidy
The 1975 - Milk
Indie band "The 1975" released their five track EP called 'Sex' in 2012. The band included a hidden track 'Milk' at the end of fourth track 'You'
Beach House - Wherever You Go
Wherever You Go, hidden track from Beach House's album Bloom, released on Sub Pop.
Here a splatter video clip lol
Here a splatter video clip lol
Happy birthday Mr Hendrix
James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix born in November 27, 1942 .
Despite a relatively brief mainstream career spanning four years, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential electric guitarists in the history , and one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame describes him as "arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music.
Hendrix was inspired musically he favored overdriven amplifiers with high volume and gain, and was instrumental in developing the previously undesirable technique of guitar amplifier feedback.
For the first few rehearsals he used Vox and Fender amplifiers. When he sat in with Cream in October 1966, he played through a new line of high-powered guitar amps being made by a London drummer turned audio engineer Jim Marshall they proved perfect for Hendrix's needs.
The Marshall amplifiers were crucial in shaping his heavily overdriven sound, enabling him to master the use of feedback as a musical effect, creating what author Paul Trynka described as a "definitive vocabulary for rock guitar".
He helped to popularize the use of a wah-wah pedal in mainstream rock, and was the first artist to use stereophonic phasing effects in music recordings. Hendrix first heard a wah-wah pedal used with an electric guitar in Cream's "Tales of Brave Ulysses", released in May 1967.
In July, while playing gigs at the Scene club in New York City, Hendrix met Frank Zappa, whose band, the Mothers of Invention were performing at the adjacent Garrick Theater. Zappa's application of the effect pedal fascinated Hendrix, who experimented with one later that evening. The wah pedals Hendrix owned were designed by the Thomas Organ Company and manufactured in Italy by JEN Electtronica Pescara for Vox. He can be heard using the effect on: "Up from the Skies", "Little Miss Lover", "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)", and "Still Raining, Still Dreaming".
Holly George-Warren of Rolling Stone commented: "Hendrix pioneered the use of the instrument as an electronic sound source. Players before him had experimented with feedback and distortion, but Hendrix turned those effects and others into a controlled, fluid vocabulary every bit as personal as the blues with which he began."
Jimi Hendrix was the greatest instrumentalist of all time.The drugs addiction has ended his carrer so soon but his work will live forever
So happy birthday Mr Hendrix and thanks you for the music trip.
here a Superbreak Edit of Jimi Hendrix And Curtis Knight's Happy Birthday....Enjoy!
Despite a relatively brief mainstream career spanning four years, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential electric guitarists in the history , and one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame describes him as "arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music.
Hendrix was inspired musically he favored overdriven amplifiers with high volume and gain, and was instrumental in developing the previously undesirable technique of guitar amplifier feedback.
For the first few rehearsals he used Vox and Fender amplifiers. When he sat in with Cream in October 1966, he played through a new line of high-powered guitar amps being made by a London drummer turned audio engineer Jim Marshall they proved perfect for Hendrix's needs.
The Marshall amplifiers were crucial in shaping his heavily overdriven sound, enabling him to master the use of feedback as a musical effect, creating what author Paul Trynka described as a "definitive vocabulary for rock guitar".
He helped to popularize the use of a wah-wah pedal in mainstream rock, and was the first artist to use stereophonic phasing effects in music recordings. Hendrix first heard a wah-wah pedal used with an electric guitar in Cream's "Tales of Brave Ulysses", released in May 1967.
In July, while playing gigs at the Scene club in New York City, Hendrix met Frank Zappa, whose band, the Mothers of Invention were performing at the adjacent Garrick Theater. Zappa's application of the effect pedal fascinated Hendrix, who experimented with one later that evening. The wah pedals Hendrix owned were designed by the Thomas Organ Company and manufactured in Italy by JEN Electtronica Pescara for Vox. He can be heard using the effect on: "Up from the Skies", "Little Miss Lover", "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)", and "Still Raining, Still Dreaming".
Holly George-Warren of Rolling Stone commented: "Hendrix pioneered the use of the instrument as an electronic sound source. Players before him had experimented with feedback and distortion, but Hendrix turned those effects and others into a controlled, fluid vocabulary every bit as personal as the blues with which he began."
Jimi Hendrix was the greatest instrumentalist of all time.The drugs addiction has ended his carrer so soon but his work will live forever
So happy birthday Mr Hendrix and thanks you for the music trip.
here a Superbreak Edit of Jimi Hendrix And Curtis Knight's Happy Birthday....Enjoy!
Τρίτη 26 Νοεμβρίου 2013
stereo nova - το ταξίδι της φάλαινας
Είχα τόσο ωραία πράγματα και εσύ μου τα χάλασες...
Δυστυχώς 20 χρόνια επίκαιρο
stereo nova
το ταξίδι της φάλαινας
album: 1993 Ντισκολάτα (FM Records)
Δυστυχώς 20 χρόνια επίκαιρο
stereo nova
το ταξίδι της φάλαινας
album: 1993 Ντισκολάτα (FM Records)
Jenny Broke the Window - Abracadabra
Jenny Broke the Window are an indie/pop band from the South Coast of Australia. Their sound is dynamic, edgy and charged using samples, dance drum patterns, layered vocals and stabbing synths for a unique and bouncy sound.
Field Music - A House is Not A Home
From the album Tones Of Town
Released on Memphis Industries in Jan 2007
Δευτέρα 25 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Heavenly Beat - "Complete"
Former Beach Fossils member John Peña has a project called Heavenly Beat, which makes music that sounds exactly like it’s name.
From his new album Prominence the first single, light and carefree dance track called “Complete"
From his new album Prominence the first single, light and carefree dance track called “Complete"
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Nightwater Girlfriend
I love this group just for the name.
Nigtwater Girlfriend its taken from the latest album "Fly By Wire" of "Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin".
Nigtwater Girlfriend its taken from the latest album "Fly By Wire" of "Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin".
Cloud Cult - You'll Be Bright
Beautiful music video for Cloud Cult's 'You'll Be Bright' from their new album 'Light Chasers'
Directed/Shot/Edited by Dan Huiting
Illustrated by Dillon Bakke
Story by Bix Skahill
Directed/Shot/Edited by Dan Huiting
Illustrated by Dillon Bakke
Story by Bix Skahill
Withered Hand - Black Tambourine
Black Tambourine" is the first single from Withered Hand's album "New Gods.
This second album (produced by Tony Doogan – Mountain Goats/Belle & Sebastian etc - and part-funded by arts council body Creative Scotland) features guest appearances from the likes of Pam Berry, Eugene Kelly of The Vaselines and members of Belle & Sebastian and Frightened Rabbit.
This second album (produced by Tony Doogan – Mountain Goats/Belle & Sebastian etc - and part-funded by arts council body Creative Scotland) features guest appearances from the likes of Pam Berry, Eugene Kelly of The Vaselines and members of Belle & Sebastian and Frightened Rabbit.
Κυριακή 24 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Animal Prufrock - Love Me Love Me
Animal Prufrock created Bitch and Animal after being told that their
gender was too confusing for the the faculty of a conservatory theater
school in 1994.
Animal’s first solo album was released on November 9, 2010 through Righteous Babe Records. congratulations; thank you + i’m sorry was recorded over a period of two years in San Francisco and New Orleans. Produced by Ani DiFranco, all the songs are animal’s layered performance but ani jumps in with back-up vocals on “voglio,” “cosmic tranny,” and “i like you” and adds guitar on “liberation” and bass on “i like you.”
My favorite song is "Love Me Love Me "
Enjoy it
Animal’s first solo album was released on November 9, 2010 through Righteous Babe Records. congratulations; thank you + i’m sorry was recorded over a period of two years in San Francisco and New Orleans. Produced by Ani DiFranco, all the songs are animal’s layered performance but ani jumps in with back-up vocals on “voglio,” “cosmic tranny,” and “i like you” and adds guitar on “liberation” and bass on “i like you.”
My favorite song is "Love Me Love Me "
Enjoy it
Leon - Someday (somewhere, maybe somebody)
“León" is singer/songwriter Leon Veremis from Athens, Greece.
Born in London to Greek parents, Leon has since been a traveler. As a teenager, he soon drew the attention of the music community in Athens by forming bands such as Mimosa’s Dream.
In late 2009 he formed the multi-member band “León” accompanied by other young multi-instrumentalists of the city.
His music is a multicultural blend of sounds influenced by a variety of genres such as Greek and Mediterranean music, the new wave and pop of the 70’s, the indie rock scene of Brooklyn and the french euro-disco music of the 90’s.
León’s debut album “Futrue” (released December ‘10) was produced by Ottomo and Josh Clark (Beirut).
you can listen Leon - Someday (somewhere, maybe somebody)
Born in London to Greek parents, Leon has since been a traveler. As a teenager, he soon drew the attention of the music community in Athens by forming bands such as Mimosa’s Dream.
In late 2009 he formed the multi-member band “León” accompanied by other young multi-instrumentalists of the city.
His music is a multicultural blend of sounds influenced by a variety of genres such as Greek and Mediterranean music, the new wave and pop of the 70’s, the indie rock scene of Brooklyn and the french euro-disco music of the 90’s.
León’s debut album “Futrue” (released December ‘10) was produced by Ottomo and Josh Clark (Beirut).
you can listen Leon - Someday (somewhere, maybe somebody)
Walkabouts - "Feel like going home"
Satisfied Mind is the 6th album by The Walkabouts released in 1993 on Sub Pop Records. It consists entirely of acoustic covers of roots music and compositions by modern singers-songwriters.
Satisfied Mind is a definitive artistic statement masquerading as a loose-knit collection of acoustic covers. Sometimes a group's selection of cover material, combined with their ability to make the songs their own, winds up revealing as much about their craft as their original music, and such is the case here; mining the work of diverse artists like the Carter Family, Gene Clark, Mary Margaret O'Hara, John Cale, and Nick Cave.
Satisfied Mind represents the purest evocation to date of the Walkabouts' aesthetic and its standing at the crossroads of country, rock, folk, and punk. By casting well-known songs in an entirely new light -- Patti Smith's "Free Money" becomes an ominous waltz, while Charlie Rich's "Feel Like Going Home" is renewed as an epic dirge -- the album makes explicit all of the implicit connections in the Walkabouts' work. By extension, it underlines the connections binding the spectrum of roots music as well; Satisfied Mind doesn't simply suggest that diverse sounds can coexist together -- it proves that they always have.
Walkabouts bring the Americana sound in Europe in to 90s and the Europe listeners love them.
Listen here Charlie Rich's "Feel Like Going Home"
Satisfied Mind is a definitive artistic statement masquerading as a loose-knit collection of acoustic covers. Sometimes a group's selection of cover material, combined with their ability to make the songs their own, winds up revealing as much about their craft as their original music, and such is the case here; mining the work of diverse artists like the Carter Family, Gene Clark, Mary Margaret O'Hara, John Cale, and Nick Cave.
Satisfied Mind represents the purest evocation to date of the Walkabouts' aesthetic and its standing at the crossroads of country, rock, folk, and punk. By casting well-known songs in an entirely new light -- Patti Smith's "Free Money" becomes an ominous waltz, while Charlie Rich's "Feel Like Going Home" is renewed as an epic dirge -- the album makes explicit all of the implicit connections in the Walkabouts' work. By extension, it underlines the connections binding the spectrum of roots music as well; Satisfied Mind doesn't simply suggest that diverse sounds can coexist together -- it proves that they always have.
Walkabouts bring the Americana sound in Europe in to 90s and the Europe listeners love them.
Listen here Charlie Rich's "Feel Like Going Home"
Frank Ocean Pyramids
Christopher Francis Ocean (born Christopher Breaux; October 28, 1987), better known by his stage name Frank Ocean, is an American singer, songwriter and rapper from New Orleans.
Ocean started his career as a ghostwriter for artists such as Brandy, Justin Bieber, and John Legend. In 2010, he became a member of alternative hip hop collective OFWGKTA also known as Odd Future, and his debut mixtape, Nostalgia, Ultra, was released to critical acclaim in 2011.
Venting about his decision to drop the record his own way, he took to Twitter on March 1, 2011: “i. did. this. not ISLAND DEF JAM. that’s why you see no label logo on the artwork that I DID. guess its my fault for trusting my dumbass lawyer and signing my career over to a failing company. fuck Def Jam & any company that goes the length of signing a kid with dreams & talent w/ no intention of following through. fuck em. now back to my day. i want some oatmeal and toast. brunch swag.”
Enjoy Sunday Morning "Pyramids"
Ocean started his career as a ghostwriter for artists such as Brandy, Justin Bieber, and John Legend. In 2010, he became a member of alternative hip hop collective OFWGKTA also known as Odd Future, and his debut mixtape, Nostalgia, Ultra, was released to critical acclaim in 2011.
Venting about his decision to drop the record his own way, he took to Twitter on March 1, 2011: “i. did. this. not ISLAND DEF JAM. that’s why you see no label logo on the artwork that I DID. guess its my fault for trusting my dumbass lawyer and signing my career over to a failing company. fuck Def Jam & any company that goes the length of signing a kid with dreams & talent w/ no intention of following through. fuck em. now back to my day. i want some oatmeal and toast. brunch swag.”
Enjoy Sunday Morning "Pyramids"
Παρασκευή 22 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Sugar Factory-Surfing Seagull
Sugar Factory were created in 2009 by Stelreverb (guitars, samples) and Sophie K. (accordion, bass guitar). In 2013, Stavros P. replaced Sophie K.
Inspired by the ad-lib contemporary music and the melodic lines of Greek and foreign artists, they blend 'sweet' melodies while winking at industrialized sounds!
Inspired by the ad-lib contemporary music and the melodic lines of Greek and foreign artists, they blend 'sweet' melodies while winking at industrialized sounds!
The Noise Figures - Bitter Taste
The Noise Figures are a fuzzy, bluesy, psychedelic rock n' roll duo from Athens, Greece.
Πέμπτη 21 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Prison Palace by La Shark
You can hear the indie pop from London "Prison Palace" by La Shark
and if you like it you can free download it from here
and if you like it you can free download it from here
Τετάρτη 20 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Naomi Pilgrim - "No Gun"
Laurel - "Fire Breather"
Laurel s "Fire Breather" is the perfect song to see what is the meanning of Dark Pop. Tinged with a cloud of darkness, her music inspires intrigue all the while highlighting her feather-light voice.
Mapei - "Don't Wait"
"Don't Wait" is full of Mapei's soulful, smoky vocals. The beat is simple, Mapei's voice is instantly warm, inviting, and utterly catchy.
How Sad- Indian Summer
Taken from their debut EP "Indian Summer" this song is filled with energy. The punchy pianos and poppy bass lend a 60s bubblegum pop to the modernized synth and the lo-fi indie vocals.
Τρίτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Clockwork Orchestra - Paper Purse
Stop-motion music video for Paper Purse from Clockwork Orchestra's debut album Friends Without Names. Directed and animated by Anne-Sophie Rosenvinge Skov.
The Notwist - Close To The Glass
The Notwist are a German indie ro"ck band from Munich.
In 1990 they recorded their self-titled debut, a grunge-metal oriented LP. 1992 saw the release of Nook, which has an indie rock sound, while their 1995 album 12 contains their first flirtation with electronics.
Martin Gretschmann then joined the group in 1997. Shrink, released in 1998, is a jazz-electro-rock album. In 1998 Cynthia Dall did the vocals for a remix of "Torture Day" by The Notwist. The album Neon Golden (released in 2002) put them on the map for American listeners, with its heartfelt sentiment and more pop-oriented sound.
The Notwist song "Close To The Glass" is from their up comming work .
In 1990 they recorded their self-titled debut, a grunge-metal oriented LP. 1992 saw the release of Nook, which has an indie rock sound, while their 1995 album 12 contains their first flirtation with electronics.
Martin Gretschmann then joined the group in 1997. Shrink, released in 1998, is a jazz-electro-rock album. In 1998 Cynthia Dall did the vocals for a remix of "Torture Day" by The Notwist. The album Neon Golden (released in 2002) put them on the map for American listeners, with its heartfelt sentiment and more pop-oriented sound.
The Notwist song "Close To The Glass" is from their up comming work .
Δευτέρα 18 Νοεμβρίου 2013
The Sound Defects - Peace
A sort self description about what The Sound Defects can do
We make beats.
Beats for your car or your headphones.
Beats for your movie or TV show.
Beats for you to sing along with or rap over.
Beats to make your little sister dance.
This is what we do.
And we’ve been doing it a while, so we’re pretty good at it.
So sit back, enjoy the sounds, and let us do what we do best.
Enjoy The peace
We make beats.
Beats for your car or your headphones.
Beats for your movie or TV show.
Beats for you to sing along with or rap over.
Beats to make your little sister dance.
This is what we do.
And we’ve been doing it a while, so we’re pretty good at it.
So sit back, enjoy the sounds, and let us do what we do best.
Enjoy The peace
PAPA: "Ain't It So"
Papa band you'll be hearing this a lot
From the 12" / EP A Good Woman Is Hard To Find out
From the 12" / EP A Good Woman Is Hard To Find out
Nym - Lesser Known Good
Nym is an American instrumental artist from Fairbanks, Alaska. His audio work blends hundreds to thousands of meticulously sliced samples from vinyl, CD, VHS and DVD with live recordings and organic electronically generated sounds to make introspective and cinematic music.
Modest Mouse "Float On"
"Float On" is a single released by indie rock band Modest Mouse. It also appears on their album Good News for People Who Love Bad News. The song was written by Dann Gallucci, Eric Judy and Isaac Brock. It was nominated for a Grammy in 2005. The single mixed by Jacquire King who was also responsible for the recording and mixing of the album.
Final Fantasy (Owen Pallett) - Song Song Song
The studio version of Song Song Song from Owen Pallett's 2006 album He Poos Clouds
Destroyer "Kaputt"
Daniel Bejar is an independent pop singer-songwriter from Vancouver who formed Destroyer in 1995. He self-produced his first album, the lo-fi We'll Build Them a Golden Bridge, which was recorded at his in home studio in Vancouver
Bejar called Destroyer's style, for the album Your Blues, "European Blues" but has since stated that this description has come to haunt him. He has stated that the album was an attempt to emulate musician Scott Walker. It is often compared to David Bowie; the band's admitted influences are Pavement, Guided by Voices, as well as other indie and shoegaze bands. Bejar's lyric stylings are also noteworthy for their cryptic poetry, which frequently vex and intrigue listeners. Bejar openly borrows phrases from other artists and a variety of other sources, even political rhetoric (ex: Ronald Reagan's "Evil Empire"). Your Blues presented a new direction in Destroyer's style by introducing orchestral elements as well as a heavy reliance on midi instruments.
"Kaputt" by Destroyer, taken from the album Kaputt, out now on Merge Records
Bejar called Destroyer's style, for the album Your Blues, "European Blues" but has since stated that this description has come to haunt him. He has stated that the album was an attempt to emulate musician Scott Walker. It is often compared to David Bowie; the band's admitted influences are Pavement, Guided by Voices, as well as other indie and shoegaze bands. Bejar's lyric stylings are also noteworthy for their cryptic poetry, which frequently vex and intrigue listeners. Bejar openly borrows phrases from other artists and a variety of other sources, even political rhetoric (ex: Ronald Reagan's "Evil Empire"). Your Blues presented a new direction in Destroyer's style by introducing orchestral elements as well as a heavy reliance on midi instruments.
"Kaputt" by Destroyer, taken from the album Kaputt, out now on Merge Records
Belle & Sebastian's "Funny Little Frog"
Belle & Sebastian's "Funny Little Frog" . Song from the album "The Life Pursuit".
Σάββατο 16 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Παρασκευή 15 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Dënver-Los adolescentes
Dënver is an electro-pop band from San Felipe, Chile. Mariana Montenegro and Milton Mahan create beautiful melodies and harmonies atop layered uplifting electronic soundscapes accompanied by accordion, piano, turntables and guitar.
Evripidis and his tragedies feat. Laura Antolín - Just a kleenex
Evripidis and his Tragedies began as a personal musical project of Evripidis Sabatis , a classically trained pianist and illustrator, while playing his piano and singing back in Athens. His heart led him to Barcelona where he started doing concerts alone, mostly in seedy bars. Very soon he discovered that some of his friends, already members of other groups of the vibrant Barcelonan indie scene, were really talented and fun to play with. Whether it was destiny that they gravitated to the project or that he invited them to join, the resulting symphony of groundbreaking ideas began making the perfect soundtrack to life in the city.
Video for Evripidis and his tragedies' 'Just a Kleenex' from the EP '...and it was while it lasted baby'
SigmaTaf-To krasi
SigmaTaf is Greek Hip Hop artist
Here the video To Krasi(the wine) from his second album
Director - Editor - Writer - Vox - Lyrics // Sigmataf. http://sigmataf2.bandcamp.com
Actress // Olia Lazaridou & Sofia Liapi.
Music // Alekos Sorros & Sigmataf
Here the video To Krasi(the wine) from his second album
Director - Editor - Writer - Vox - Lyrics // Sigmataf. http://sigmataf2.bandcamp.com
Actress // Olia Lazaridou & Sofia Liapi.
Music // Alekos Sorros & Sigmataf
Lucius - Turn It Around
Lucius is an Indie pop band from Brooklyn,
Their sound reminds Sixties girl-group sounds but customized in indie pop now sound .
Lucius Turn it around from their latest LP
Their sound reminds Sixties girl-group sounds but customized in indie pop now sound .
Lucius Turn it around from their latest LP
Πέμπτη 14 Νοεμβρίου 2013
FM Belfast - We Are Faster Than You
FM Belfast is an electro-pop band from Reykjavík.
FM Belfast formed in late 2005 as a duo . The band was a studio project for some time until the Iceland Airwaves festival 2006 when the band expanded into a full-on live act. The members now vary from 3 to 8 depending on member availability.
As they writing at their site "Because FM Belfast are not Vikings. They do not pillage and plunder. Instead, they give, and they care. With simple, delicately crafted melodies, unpredictable beats and humorous lyrics, FM Belfast bring smiles to their audience’s faces, and life to their every extremity—whether it be in the car, in the kitchen or on the dancefloor."
Beautifull pop fro Iceland
FM Belfast formed in late 2005 as a duo . The band was a studio project for some time until the Iceland Airwaves festival 2006 when the band expanded into a full-on live act. The members now vary from 3 to 8 depending on member availability.
As they writing at their site "Because FM Belfast are not Vikings. They do not pillage and plunder. Instead, they give, and they care. With simple, delicately crafted melodies, unpredictable beats and humorous lyrics, FM Belfast bring smiles to their audience’s faces, and life to their every extremity—whether it be in the car, in the kitchen or on the dancefloor."
Beautifull pop fro Iceland
Cotton wine -Bloody Mary
With a sound that combines the rich roots of Folk & Americana with the classic sentiments of pop, the voices of Brandon James and Femke create a hauntingly irresistible combination.
Originally hailing from Toronto, Canada & Groningen, Holland respectively, the duo first met in Los Angeles before beginning on a cross-country road trip when Brandon and Femke decided to move to Nashville. After writing their first song Going East while on the road, they recorded a video using Brandon's iPhone and posted it on YouTube. After thousands of views, Cotton Wine’s “Song A Week” series premiered on YouTube in 2012, which has resulted in over 200,000 views and an ever-growing fan base.
From their first EP explores the dark side of New Orleans and old time Vaudeville through a temptress name "Bloody Mary".
A pop folk Americana version of murder ballads
After The Smoke - OIAM
After The Smoke is an alternative hip hop due comprised of Whuzi (lyricist/designer) and Speek (producer/social activist). After The Smoke is best known for incorporating elements from various genres including electronic, rock, funk and indie. An appreciation for visual art and fashion also provides context for the direction of their music.
Enjoy After The Smoke "OIAM " video
Enjoy After The Smoke "OIAM " video
Royal Canoe - Today We're Believers
Royal Canoe have established themselves as musical mad scientists, throwing rock, pop and... hip hop into a blender to create catchy-as-hell, dance floor-ready songs with odd time signatures and distorted vocals. Think of them as the child that would result, however inexplicably, if the Beatles, Peter Gabriel, Vampire Weekend, Outkast and Fever Ray had a hymn sing followed by an orgy.
Royal Canoe's Today We're Believers is a single released April 2, 2013.
It's a relaxing tune I hop you enjoy it
Royal Canoe's Today We're Believers is a single released April 2, 2013.
It's a relaxing tune I hop you enjoy it
Miss Li - "Transformer"
Miss Li is the stage name for Linda Carlsson is a Swedish singer and songwriter.
Linda is the favorite of advertising companies and soundtrack creator’s television series and several tracks have been used. Her single "Don't Try to Fool Me" has been featured on the Showtime original series Weeds, as well as Grey's Anatomy. Her song "Bourgeois Shangri-La" from the album Dancing the Whole Way Home was used by Apple in the iPod Nano 5G television commercial, and her song "Oh Boy" was used in a 2010 Volvo C70 commercial. Her track "True Love Stalker" was used in the television promo of an episode of Desperate Housewives. The track "Forever Drunk" was featured in the opening scene of Grey's Anatomy. Her song "My Heart Goes Boom" was featured on multiple adverts for the popular UK furniture store DFS in late 2012. In 2013 "Boom" was used in American television advertisements of women's clothes by White House Black Market.
Here enjoy “transformer”, second single taken from Miss Li album Wolves
Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Portugal. The Man - Purple Yellow Red & Blue
All that I needed
Is something to believe in
Because everything just falls in place like that
Is something to believe in
Because everything just falls in place like that
Social Studies - Away For The Weekend [Painless 12" Mix]
Social Studies - Away For The Weekend [Painless 12" Mix]
Away For The Weekend remixed by Painless (aka Nic from of Montreal, Yip Deceiver & Sugar & Gold) into an extended downtempo burner.
Original version of Away For The Weekend from the Developer LP
Away For The Weekend remixed by Painless (aka Nic from of Montreal, Yip Deceiver & Sugar & Gold) into an extended downtempo burner.
Original version of Away For The Weekend from the Developer LP
Blank Tapes - Coast To Coast
Blank Tapes - Coast To Coast
1st single from the Blank Tapes - Vacation LP , coming 5/14/13!
1st single from the Blank Tapes - Vacation LP , coming 5/14/13!
Beatles Yellow submarine
13/11/1968 Beatles release the animated movie yellow submarine.
The Beatles agree to accompany Captain Fred in his Yellow Submarine and go to Pepperland to free it from the music hating Blue Meanies.
John Lasseter, Chief Creative Officer, Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios writes "As a fan of animation and as a filmmaker, I tip my hat to the artists of Yellow Submarine, whose revolutionary work helped pave the way for the fantastically diverse world of animation that we all enjoy today."
Yellow Submarine is the tenth studio album by the Beatles in the United Kingdom, released on Apple Records. It was issued as the soundtrack to the film of the same name, which premiered in the United Kingdom seven months prior to the album's release.
The Beatles agree to accompany Captain Fred in his Yellow Submarine and go to Pepperland to free it from the music hating Blue Meanies.
John Lasseter, Chief Creative Officer, Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios writes "As a fan of animation and as a filmmaker, I tip my hat to the artists of Yellow Submarine, whose revolutionary work helped pave the way for the fantastically diverse world of animation that we all enjoy today."
Yellow Submarine is the tenth studio album by the Beatles in the United Kingdom, released on Apple Records. It was issued as the soundtrack to the film of the same name, which premiered in the United Kingdom seven months prior to the album's release.
Jim Noir -Tea
Jim Noir is the stage name of Alan Roberts, Jim Noir is a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Davyhulme, Manchester noted for his “esoteric dress sense and equally esoteric tunes”, which he began making in his childhood bedroom.
You can view the video of "Tea" here
Download from here
Τρίτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2013
Metronomy - I'm Aquarius,
Metronomy - I'm Aquarius, first single from the new upcoming album "Love Letters"
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